Neighborhoods comprised of residents who are actively involved in shaping the neighborhood’s future are most likely to attract other people and investments into their community. The NRC Innovative Neighborhoods Solving Problems and Inspiring Resident Engagement (INSPIRE) matching awards grant program is designed to achieve this goal by supporting the engagement, collective action and increased development of all neighborhoods and neighborhood-based organizations in the City of South Bend.
This matching award seeks to build upon the strengths and assets within South Bend neighborhoods by providing financial resources for projects, events and activities designed to increase resident engagement, promote neighborhood action focused on collaboration and sustainability, and establish new and stronger relationships among grassroots organizations and businesses.
Since these grants are designed to strengthen the quality of life in the neighborhood, all projects must benefit and be open to the general public. Proposals for isolated projects/activities that do not benefit the neighborhood as a whole will not be considered.
Funding for the grant programs has been placed on a temporary freeze, so please support NRC so we can continue these important initiatives!