Edgewater Place

Edgewater Place Local Historic District & Neighborhood Association

Contact: Cyd DeNardi Maravolo

615 Edgewater Drive
South Bend, IN 46601
Phone/Fax: 574.233.3066
Cell Phone: 574.850.6293

Occasional meetings are held. If interested, contact Cyd by email at CYDMARAVOLO@aol.com.

A Facebook group for neighbors is available here.


The Edgewater Place local historic district was designated by ordinance in 1980. The district is bounded by Lincoln Way East to the south, the Saint Joseph River to the north, Monroe Street to the west, and Eddy Street to the East. The neighborhood is located southeast of the original 1830 boundaries of South Bend on a marshy and narrow peninsula extending into the river.

Learn more about the Edgewater Historic District at this St. Joseph County website.